Class 3 pupils writing in French about their pets
Class 3 pupils using now press play with their toy pets
Our French display of our animals using French vocabulary to describe our pets
Class 3 pupils collecting data about their pets
An example of pupil work describing their pet in French

This half term our focus is France. For our French departure day we held a French pet shop in Class 3.

We started by listening to a Now>Press>Play in which we were spies entrusted with rescuing the Queen's 'lapin' (rabbit). In order to save the Queen's 'lapin' we had to work in a French pet shop and learn all the names of the animals such as 'chien' (dog), 'chat' (cat) and 'poisson' (fish) as well as many more.

For the day we had all brought in our own toy pets so following our Now>Press>Play we learned the names of any animals in French we didn't already know so that we could ask each other about our pets - en français!
We made fact cards about our pets also in French, before collecting data about our real life pets using all the French we had learned to ask each other which pets we had and how many. 
We are really excited to learn more about France and especially about our class text this half term Anatole by Eve Titus which is about a mouse living in Paris. We can't wait to write our own stories!