Class 3 have been celebrating UK Parliament Week. Yesterday we were visited by George's mum, who together with George, told us what it was like to work in the Houses of Parliament. We learnt lots of fascinating facts; the Queen is not allowed in the House of Commmons, the House of Commons slam the door on Black Rod when she requests that they join the Queen in the House of Lords, and that the Speaker has someone to carry the train of his robe.
We then spent time discussing the concept of democracy before exploring what it is like to debate a serious issue before voting. We worked together to discuss whether we feel all single use plastics should be banned. The children came up with some very interesting ideas and agreed that some single use plastics may be necessary, for example; plastics used for creating sterile medical equipment to reduce infection and contamination. We all agreed that we need to do as much as we can to help protect our planet! The children worked incredibly well and have learnt a lot about British Values!