Sycamore class spent the day learning about Jill Townsley and Barbara Hepworth. We carried out artist studies, followed by having a go at capturing the light and dark of the sculptures using Charcoal.
After that, we focused upon exploring the art of Jill Townsley. She uses everyday materials to create repeated patterns in 3D. We had a go at creating 3D sculptures using matchsticks. We followed this up by exploring mark making with clay. We investigated the use of several different clay tools. Once we were confident how to use them and the effects they give, we practised using them to create a mini sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth. We create a cube, a sphere, a spiral and used cross hatching and 'slip' to attached them securely.
We used all of our experience from the day to plan out own sculptures focusing upon the use of 3D shape. I look forward to seeing the final pieces.