Final Stone Age painting
Final Stone Age painting
Final Stone Age painting
Final Stone Age painting
Final Stone Age painting

This half term in art we have been looking at cave paintings from the Stone Age. We have been working on our sketching and colour mixing skills and challenging ourselves to think about how we can adapt these methods to new tools (or no tools!) and different surfaces and textures.

Today we collaborated as a class to create our final piece using all the skills we have been working on this half term. Paper was stuck vertically on the walls of classroom and we were challenged to think about how we could sketch and paint on a different surface. Additionally, we were only allowed to use our hands, burnt sticks, twigs, rocks and pine cones as our tools rather than our usual lovely paint brushes! This really challenged how we used the skills we have been working on this half term and helped us understand better how Stone Age people would have used their tools and resources to communicate.