The Friends of Goldsborough School - or FROGS as they are known - is an association of parents committed to additional fundraising for the school and its pupils. Every parent, carer and staff member is automatically a FROG. There are no subscriptions and no formal rules of membership.

Being a member of FROGS is an excellent opportunity to get to know other families and be directly involved in fundraising for the benefit of our pupils, enhancing and enriching their experience at Goldsborough School.

FROGS support the school throughout the year with a wide range of events and activities, where we encourage pupils and their families to get involved, have fun, and raise money at the same time.

Whilst the committee and class reps are central to the organisation of events, the help and support of each and every parent and carer is warmly welcomed. Parents should feel free to come and help, ask questions and give of their own expertise, helping out in any way that fits in with other commitments.

In recent years, FROGS have funded some great projects including new interactive smart boards for each classroom, fans and musical instruments, classroom Reading Areas, and Curriculum Enhancement such as school pantomime trips.

For further information or to offer ideas or help, please get in touch with the FROGS Committee, by e-mailing [email protected]

FROGS Committee:

Chair Rani Barkataki

Vice Chair Stef Matthews

Secretary Angelina Bolton

Treasurer Esmeralda Verheem

If you would like to join the FROGS Committee, please contact them on the above email address.