Buddies Monkey Puzzle and Year 6 spent sometime together this week, it was brilliant to see the younger children explaining and showing their ...
Maths - doubling This week the children have been practising doubling numbers using the doubling machine. Brilliant job everyone!
Seaside Workshop Monkey Puzzle had an exciting day at Sicklinghall this week, we were lucky enough to see a real Punch and Judy show ...
Departure Day - At the Seaside The children have started their topic off with a splash! There has been amazing role playing, writing and drawing opportunities this week ...
Visitors We have had lots of visitors this week, Mr Askew and Mr Athey brought their cars in this week to show the ...
Visitors We have had lots of visitors this week, Mr Askew and Mr Athey brought their cars in this week to show the ...
Traffic Survey The children have been predicting which is the most popular colour car to drive past our school, as part of their maths ...
Visit from the Fire Service We have been learning about different forms of transport this half term and the Monkey Puzzle children had a visit from our ...
The King’s Coronation The children have been enjoying talking about the historical celebrations of the Kings Coronation at the weekend. They have made their own ...
Easter experience The children had a fabulous time at St Mary's Church this week. They found out so many new things about the Easter ...